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Glenfield Infant School

together we are brilliant

Dates for your diary

Inset Days - click here

Term Dates - click here

GLENFIELD IS A NUT & SESAME FREE SCHOOL. This is because we have children with severe allergies requiring an Epi-Pen.

Thursday 17th October

(children only) 

Harvest Assembly - food donations welcome: Get Involved: How To Donate – Southampton City Mission
Tuesday 22nd October BOOKINGS ARE LIVE ON MCAS Parent's meetings (all except Owls class) 3.30pm-5.30pm.
Please book on MCAS - letter with full details below.
Wednesday 23rd October BOOKINGS ARE LIVE ON MCAS Parent's meetings (all except Owls class) 3.30pm-7pm. 
Please book on MCAS - letter with full details below.
Thursday 24th October Click TERM DATES above for all dates Last day of school term for children (normal hours)
Friday 25th October Click INSET DAYS above for all dates Inset Day for staff training - school closed to children
Monday 4th November Click TERM DATES above for all dates Back to school
Thursday 7th November AGM for Glenfield's parent committee and coffee morning

Friends of Glenfield (FOG) AGM - come and support us, 9am

Second hand uniform sale and family support worker available for any support required (form filling, foodbank vouchers etc.)

Friday 8th November   Individual School Photos - wear full uniform to school
Tuesday 12th November   Year R Phonics Workshop, 2.30pm
Wednesday 27th November IF CONSENT RECEIVED ONLY Nasal Flu immunisation in school
(consent forms will be sent out 2 weeks before this)
Tuesday 10th December LETTER TO FOLLOW Year 2 Christmas Performance, 9.15am - adults only
Tuesday 10th December LETTER TO FOLLOW Year 1 Christmas Performance, 2.30pm - siblings allowed
Wednesday 11th December LETTER TO FOLLOW Year 1 Christmas Performance, 9.15am - adults only
Wednesday 11th December LETTER TO FOLLOW Year 2 Christmas Performance, 2.30pm - siblings allowed
Wednesday 18th December LETTER TO FOLLOW Year R Christmas Performance, 9.15am - adults only
Wednesday 18th December LETTER TO FOLLOW Year R Christmas Performance, 2.15pm - siblings allowed
Thursday 19th December ORDER VIA SCHOOLGRID Christmas Dinner Day - wear Christmas themed clothes
or just non-uniform

All dates and times are subject to change, please keep checking this page for updates.

Events held outside are subject to cancellation at late notice due to weather conditions.

£ = involves a voluntary donation to the school. Some events may need to be cancelled if there are not enough donations received from parents/carers.