The Governors of our school are a dedicated, committed and enthusiastic group of people that seek to ensure that we are providing the best standards of care, teaching and learning opportunities for all the children at Glenfield Infants.
The Governors of Glenfield Infant School have a strong skill set and work pro-actively and co-operatively with the Headteacher and staff to improve outcomes for all children across the school. A strategic approach is taken for all new appointments to ensure that a balance of key skills within the Governing Body is maintained.
The Role of the Governor
Governors have a strategic overview of the school that encompasses finance, the curriculum, health and safety and safeguarding.
Governors perform a crucial role in ensuring public money is being spent to advantage all children and that the school adheres to all local and national requirements. Governors review school data and ask questions about outcomes and value for money. They ensure that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum and that there are enrichment opportunities for all pupils. They work with senior leaders to monitor standards across the curriculum.
Link to Governance Handbook- Academy trust governance guide - Guidance - GOV.UK
The Governors welcome your comments and value your support. If you would like to speak to a Governor, please feel free to approach us or make a request through the school.