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Glenfield Infant School

together we are brilliant

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional government funding, which is provided to support the education of those children registered for free school meals (FSM), those children whose parents are in the armed services (CIS) and children who are in care (LAC).  As from April 2013 there has been an annual payment for every FSM, LAC and CIS pupil in the school.

This Financial year each school received:

£1,320 for each Free School Meal Pupil

£1,900 for each Post Looked After Child

£300 for each Children in Service pupil

FSM pupils retain their funding for six years, even if their circumstances change and they are no longer eligible for Free School Meals.  These pupils are termed as Ever Six (E6) children.  CIS pupils retain their funding for 3 years.  It is for schools to decide how to use this funding in order to help the above groups of pupils reach their potential

The funding is used to provide:

  • Targeted support and teaching for pupils who are at risk of not making expected progress.
  • Extra learning support, including extra teaching assistant hours, delivering learning support for children within the classroom environment
  • Training and professional development for teachers and teaching assistants
  • The funding is also used to provide ELSA (Specialist Emotional Literacy) support. 

This support enables targeted children to access the curriculum more effectively by developing:

  • Better social skills especially peer relationships
  • Better attendance through supporting parents
  • Increasing skills in anger management, turn-taking and managing emotions
  • Having closely supported lunchtimes and break times

The progress of children entitled to Free School Meals can be seen as a clear indicator of the success that the school has.  This particular focus group are potentially at risk of underachieving and schools can show, through impact measures and targeted intervention, how these pupils will be able to make expected (or above expected) progress.


Year R and Year 2 are key indicators of performance at the end of each Key Stage.  Therefore, these are the best points in their transition through the school to analyse data for school evaluation.